“To write is human, to receive a letter: divine.”  – Susan Lendroth

I want you to write me a letter: Ok, an email.

But Tell me how you really feel.

What clouds you?

What happened before you got lost?

Once I receive your letter, I'll write one back relaying what your higher self, your spirit guides and your ancestors want to, or have been trying to tell you.

All you have to do is spill your tea to me in this email with as much detail and context around your question. You can purchase multiple tickets at the link below (where it says send a letter) and ask multiple question if you’d like, or, you can book in for a full reading here.

I'll channel them through the tarot and you'll get to see and read their message. Maybe they'll tell you witch way go.

$4.44 per question

Purchase a ticket to ask a question